Tuesday, November 20, 2012

super chunky

i had an assignment recently that called us to pick a single skill that could be magically bestowed on us, whatever skill we wanted. i chose musical talent, but on second thought, ive wanted to knit my whole life. Ive experimented quite a bit in it, but cant seem to get though the learning curve before my patience wears out. at this point im happily resigned to letting these pros do their thing.

yokoo gibraan - she also has an amazing clothing brand, xMOTHERx

on the flipside, im having trouble letting go of what i was taught in design school.. i can't seem to grasp my own freedom, and trust myself not to plan everything ahead so im *sure* everything matches. dear skylure, its not about that anymore. everything you has the same aesthetic anyway, why don't you just chill out and go with the flow.

 i dont know, but im trying! im trying to let go, let sketches be just sketches and let the clothing bring itself together. my new goal is to try to have enough stock to do some shooting, so i can open a storenvy, deadline is next semesters start.

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